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broadcast Message

Distance Learning:
Hello Families,
In order to protect the students privacy and safety during our Zoom meetings, I will not be putting the link to our weekly agenda (The Padlet) here. Every Friday afternoon I will email the newest agenda to parents and students. I will also share the link to the agenda to our Google Classroom, Monday mornings. All assignments are due by the end of Friday, unless otherwise specified, and should be "TURNED IN," through the Google Classroom. Work will be reviewed and recorded in Jupiter grades as "Information Only." Students may attach competed work, to the Google Classroom, before turning in or they can simply hit the blue, "TURN IN," button and work will be accepted as the honor system!
Zoom Meetings are scheduled for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 1:30-2:30pm. The link will be sent to parents each week in an email in order to protect students privacy. Please do not share zoom links or post anywhere. 
💜 Miss you all!
Mrs. Wagoner
Please email me if you have any questions:
*Here is a letter that I sent to all of the students.


To order a yearbook, please visit
Enter ID Code: 1311420
The FINAL DEADLINE to order is 
Science Fair...
Congratulations to all of the 5th graders for participating in the Science Fair!

Weekly NewsletterTop of Page

Back to School NightTop of Page


Below is the link to the Back to School Night presentation.